Do’s and don’ts of helping feral cats in Cyprus
Give adult cats water to drink. Young kittens should ideally be given kitten formula milk if the mother is not present. Cows milk doesn’t contain the required nutrients for a kittens development.
Give milk to adult cats . Kittens have the enzymes in the stomach to break down lactose (present in cow milk). However, adult cats do not
Further reading:
Feed cat food, this will provide the necessary nutrients to help the cat/kitten grow healthy and maintain condition. Cooked meats like chicken, steak, tuna can also be given if cat food is not readily available.
Give raw meat or fatty trimmings. This can cause vomiting and diarrhea or a painful condition called pancreatitis and a risk of Salmonella or E. coli.
Feral cats and kittens are often have a poor immune system due to a poor start in life and any form of sickness can take its toll.
Feed at a feeding station if there is one nearby. Feeding stations are set up so that the feral cats always know where to go for food and their health is monitored by the person who feeds the cats on a regular basis. Encouraging cats away to be fed elsewhere means that during the winter season they may go without food as they have to re-learn where the feeding station is and their health is unchecked for several months.
Leave large amounts of wet food for the cats in the summer months. This attracts flies and insects and the food quickly becomes baked in the sun and unfit for consumption by the cats. Give just enough for them to eat in one meal. Biscuits can be left without causing these problems (always leave water as well).
© Cats in Need Cyprus Community Interest Company, No. 12059314